Mediterranean Youth OrchestraOutreach


19 — 29 MAY 2025

For the fourth year in a row, the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée’s "Au Grand Air" session, in partnership with Passerelles, the Festival d'Aix's cultural action department, is open to 4 young instrumentalists, singers, arrangers or composers from the Mediterranean basin.

Led by Violaine Fournier, this session invites 4 young artists from a wide range of musical backgrounds (classical music, jazz, traditional Mediterranean music, etc.) to create a musical walk through the discovery of an exceptional natural site: the Bibémus quarries. The music will be specially composed by the artists by immerging themselves into the environment and in dialogue with the history of the site. In this way, they become atypical guides offering a sensitive experience of the site to the public, as well as a genuine artistic discovery and encounter.

This program aims to strengthen the creativity of young artists, their awareness of the need to respect and value the environment around them, and their ability to interact with audiences as part of a shared musical narrative.

Au Grand Air's musical creations are the fruit of a week-long OJM advanced training session led by the actress, singer and musical show creator Violaine Fournier. The program is developed with Passerelles, the Festival d'Aix's cultural action department, which is committed to making music accessible to as many people as possible.

The musical walk’s creations offer an original and sensitive discovery of the Bibémus quarries. Situated in the heart of the Grand Site Sainte-Victoire, these old quarries were shaped by the extraction of blocks of stone, and made famous by the paintings of Paul Cézanne depicting these lanscapes and the Sainte-Victoire mountain.


  • May 26, 27 and 28, 2025 : musical walks for Passerelles audiences.
  • May 24, 28 and 29, 2025 – at 2.30 pm and 5 pm: musical walks open to the public


May 19 to 29, 2025
Travel days on May 18 and 30, 2025

  • May 19 to 23: creative residency for the 4 selected artists under the mentorship of Violaine Fournier
  • May 24: 2 musical walks open to the public
  • May 25: day off.
  • May 26: 2 musical walks for Passerelles audiences
  • May 27: 2 musical walks for Passerelles audiences
  • May 28: 1 musical walks for Passerelles audiences and 1 musical walks open to the public
  • May 29 : 2 musical walks open to the public


Violaine Fournier is a singer, playwright and author with a particular affinity for the Mediterranean heritage. During this “Au Grand Air” session, she shares her expertise in the creation of live shows, which aim to raise musical awareness among a wide range of audiences, by opening up and diversifying performance spaces and creations’ forms.