Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno

George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759)

New production of the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence
A coproduction with the Opéra de Lille, Théâtre de Caen

257101315July 2016

Oratorio in two parts
Libretto by Benedetto Pamphili
First performed in Rome in 1707


Emmanuelle Haïm
Stage Director
Krzysztof Warlikowski
Stage designer
Malgorzata Szczesniak
Christian Longchamp
Lighting designer
Felice Ross
Claude Bardouil
Video designer
Denis Guéguin
Musical Assistant
David Bates
Language Coach
Rita de Letteriis
Stage Director Assistant
Marielle Kahn
Stage & Costumes Designer Assistant
Barbara Creutz
Video Assistant
Fabien Laubry
Sabine Devieilhe*
Franco Fagioli
Sara Mingardo
Michael Spyres
With the participation of
Christine Angot
Mama Bouras, Margot Briosne Frejaville, Sherine Colin, Johanna Costa, Léa De Carvalho Massabo, Amani Djelassi,Thaïs Drujon D’astros, Hélène Fouque, Rui Jin, Colette Levron, Elena Parniere, Pablo Pillaud-Vivien, Nangué Sabaly, Marina Saïd, Marie Signoret-O
Le Concert d’Astrée
Felix Knecht & Oleguer Aymami (Cellos), Nicola Dal Maso (Double Bass), Laura Monica Pustilnik & Rémi Cassaigne (Lutes), Benoît Hartoin & Philippe Grisvard (Harpsichords), Benoît Hartoin (Organ)

Watch live, from the Théâtre de l'Archevêché, and then in replay on Culturebox : Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno by Handel


360° video: behind the scenes of the rehearsals

  • Le Monde

    "La plus étonnante, époustouflante, décoiffante, est la performance de Sabine Devieilhe en Bellezza. En plus de véritables dons d'actrice, la soprano subjugue par des aigus flottant sur les courants ascendants du souffle, quasi-impalbables, et habite avec un art substantifique l'âtre déchirement du renoncement." Marie-Aude Roux

  • The New York Times

    "Krzysztof Warlikowski signe une mise en scène sombre et tendre [...] à Aix-en-Provence [...]. La Beauté de Warlikowski, une Sabine Devieilhe aux yeux écarquillés, à la voix d'une gracieuse fragilité, et à la fois audacieusement puissante." Zachary Woolfe

  • Le Temps

    "La Bellezza éblouissante de Sabine Devieilhe brûle les planches dans une incarnation suffocante, du souffle infime à l'explosion d'aigus incandescents. [...] Avec le ténor Michael Spyres, Tempo trouve interprète à sa mesure. Pour soutenir ces chanteurs exceptionnels ? La fée Emmanuelle Haïm et son concert d'Astrée sont à l'œuvre. Autant dire du voluptueux, du vital, de l'aérien et du cristallin." Sylvie Bonier

  • L'Humanité

    "La mise en scène de Krzysztof Warlikowski s'inscrit dans notre monde contemporain et démontre qu'une transposition d'époque peut être pertinente, impertinente et réussie." Hélène Jarry

Canuta brina
Per mano ascosa
Giungerà quando
Nol crede il cuor.

An unseen hand
Will bring hoary old age
Ere your heart suspects it.

Benedetto Pamphili, Il Trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno, 1707

Beauty chooses to ignore that existence is finite, preferring to admire herself in the mirror of Pleasure. But Time and Truth constantly remind her that “beauty is a flower that blooms in a day and then dies.” The discussions and arguments of these four allegorical figures provide the young Handel with the material for his first oratorio, composed for a very Catholic Rome on a text by Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili. And the work was immediately a stunning success. The virtuoso arias, brilliant concertos and powerful ensemble pieces showcase a young 22-year old composer in full control of his talent. Indeed, he would use most of the arias composed for this work in his future operas. Since the plasticity and theatricality of the music are liable to inspire an exceptionally moving performance, the Festival d’Aix has entrusted this new production to one of the major directors of our time: Krzisztof Warlikowski. And to serve this flamboyant score, four singers at the height of their powers are directed by Emmanuelle Haïm – a conductor who knows Handel’s Italian works like the back of her hand.

Read the booklet

*former artist of the Académie


Saturday2July 2016
All day
Tuesday5July 2016
All day
Thursday7July 2016
All day
Sunday10July 2016
All day
Wednesday13July 2016
All day
Friday15July 2016
All day

Ticket prices : 270€, 180€, 150€, 120€, 55€, 30€
jeunes Youth ticket price : 9€
Children’s discovery offer for all performances, except the opening night
Performance available with season ticket packages and Premium or Prestige

2 hours 45 minutes with one interval

Sung in Italian with French and English surtitles


Broadcasted live on 6 July on CultureBox and


Broadcasted live on 6 July on France Musique

Broadcasted live on 6 July on Mezzo