Terms and conditions


Dénomination sociale
Association pour le Festival international d’art lyrique et l'Académie européenne de musique d’Aix-en-Provence

Siège social
Palais de l’Ancien Archevêché - 13 100 Aix-en Provence

SIRET : 411 831 696 00017
Code : APE 9001 Z
TVA intracommunautaire : FR 86 411 831 696
N° de Licences entrepreneur du spectacle : 1 - 004461 / 2 - 004462 / 3 - 004464

Publishing Director: Catherine Roques

The Festival d'Aix-en-Provence publishes and manages the website "festival-aix.com" (hereafter known as "the Site"), developed by Bunker Palace and hosted by OVH. A declaration of the processing of personal data used as part of the websites has been made to the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (C.N.I.L.), in accordance with articles 15 and 16 of the law 78-17 of 6th January 1978 relating to IT, files and freedoms. The receipt for this declaration is registered under number 1387015. You will find all the information relating to the processing of data relating to you and the conditions of use which define the entire relationship between you and the Site below, to which you automatically agree, unconditionally, and implicitly simply through the use of this Site.

Intellectual property

The title, design and format of the Site as well as all the text, photographs, data, logos, trademarks and other elements reproduced on the Site are reserved and protected by intellectual property rights, in particular copyright, associated rights and trademark rights. As such, and in accordance with the Intellectual Property Code, only private use in a family circle is authorised. Any other use is the result of pirating and/or in breach of associated rights, sanctioned by the aforementioned Code. As a result, under no circumstances and in no way can you reproduce, represent, distribute, market, change, licence all or part of whichever element reproduced on the Site, without the prior and express agreement of the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence.

As the online publisher, the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence agrees to ensure the protection of minors, not to infringe the rights, freedoms and dignity of the person and inform the reader of the editorial nature of the content offered. The Site may contain hyperlinks to other websites published and managed by third parties other than the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence. The Festival d'Aix-en-Provence cannot be held directly or indirectly responsible in the event that the aforementioned sites do not respect either French or European legal and statutory provisions in force or to come, or the consequences of this non-observance.